Sunday, April 12, 2009

Oprah is FUCKED

Coming up, it’s a deadly game any child can play and if yours is playing you would never know it. Why parents need to be afraid. – Oprah *emphasis not added

Oprah’s life story is unusually tragic and unusually eventful. Oprah’s story makes Oliver Twist look like The Hills. She was moved all over the place (blahDemiMooreblah) if I’m not mistaken she was left to sleep on the porch during her stay somewhere (notsoblah)
And there was rape and sexual abuse and abandonment and hurtness and perversion of every kind and this is all truly tragic but as many of you know it only gets way fucking worse.
Way way way worse.
Like, her baby only lived for 2 weeks worse and she was only 14 worse. Like “Holy Hell!” What the Fuck?” “Hide your eyes!” bad worse sad awful fucked..
To this day she has no family of her own. She is a woman drowning in the service of assistants and producers and cooks and trainers all of whom MUST remain professional and accommodating and liked by Oprah as they please her which seals her more tightly in her tiny bubble that is clearly squeezing the sense out of her fucking head and she has no family to shame it back in.
Remember the season she "sang" her show opening? Like where's Simon Cowel when you need him? Or The Sandman from the Apollo? Or Casey Anthony and her chloroform?

See? Pretty fucking bothersome right? Just droping that in there like that.

I still picture a white haired woman standing in a shady spot next to hot sunlit brick wall, the kind at any public park bathroom setup. I imagine that she’s planning dinner or concerning herself with something practical while she waits for her grandson to hurry up and come out of the bathroom. I can imagine that she hopes he’ll wash his hands but he’s ten and probably won’t.

Neither of them thought at all about the guy who walked into the bathroom and then out again.

Even after she called in and her grandson didn’t answer she probably didn’t think about the guy who just went in and then came out again. She probably thought he was playing around with something. Maybe he is playing a joke, my kid loves playing jokes. Maybe his burger was getting colder while she grew more annoyed.
I’ll bet that even after the first few seconds of being confronted with the site of her 10 year old grandson lying on the wet and dirty bathroom floor with his throat cut she probably still didn’t think that what she was seeing – her dead grandson lying on the floor with his throat slit from ear to ear – she probably didn’t think that that is what she could possibly actually be seeing. This thought probably still couldn't have been dragged across her mind even as she witnessed it.

I didn’t even see this Oprah Show but I still see these moments in my imagination because after my son was born and my heart became as raw and sensitive to his preciousness my as sucked and gnashed nipples, which would begin to drip just as he was about to wake up, were to his hunger, my mother told me this story.
Even if I could forget SHE continues to haunt me with it.
This wretched devil seems to have remained hunched on her shoulders, mumbling in her ear, compelling her to remind me that my son could be randomly slashed down at any moment by anyone without warning and that really any parental peace is the illusory brightness of the eye of a storm which will inevitably push over you and thrash you when they drown in the tub or… Cracking your bones and Shattering your teeth when they are diagnosed with autism which you may have dosed them with via vaccines which *of course* are the only barrier between your child and death from a multitude of other things or … the broken bones and shattered teeth together will cut you up, poking through cheeks and thighs, dripping with catsup when you find out that they were being ass fucked by the coach or sniffing crystal blah blah blah… Even though you did your silly little best it could happen – you NEED TO fear this.

About Kids

Your child will inform you of the one appropriate posture for a parent - Humbled.
If there is something you don’t know your child will find out first.
If there is a foul habit you have unsuccessfully begged God to purge from your soul your child will manifest it and you will see them suffer for your failure which can be something like the last scene in The Devil and Miss Jones sorta cause, ya know, kids don’t always listen.

In the movie The Never Ending Story, Atrau, kid hero on a mission who must defeat many symbolic obstacles, is confronted by these mirrors that have sent the worlds bravest warriors screaming in retreat. The image these symbolic mirrors reflected was the true self of the person looking in. My big fat genius idea was that these mirrors represented the view children have of their parents.

The Unpolished Truth.

Then the transformative part is that, not only will they expose what’s awful and love the shit out of you anyway but they will also insist that you face everything special and magical about yourself that you have not been living up to, which can be even more searing. This love is unique and authentic to only your own children.
No other person and certainly no fucking dog will ever depend on you so utterly and be so undeniably justified in their demands and as helpless without you as you are without them.

Does Oprah really fucking think that you could learn so much from her silly ass TVSHOW that you could avoid making the really big mistakes that keep your child free from all dings and murder? Or does she knowingly suggest this just to brazenly exploit how raw and open a parents love is and how easy it is to arouse parental concern and parental curiosity and parental prayer in an effort to get you to watch her silly little television program?

Does she not have any connection to that feeling at all because she never raised a child or does she completely know this feeling because she had a baby who I am sure she loved and her baby did actually die? I really have to wonder if it’s revenge or just innocently pathological.

I’m just suggesting that she’s no better or no worse than Howard Stern. He openly celebrates the fact that he can now, thanks to fame and fortune, abuse and humiliate the kind of beautiful sexy hot babes who had previously ignored him and call it entertainment.

Could it really be possible that she has, thanks to fame and fortune,shed all of the behaviors and emotional maladjustments of such a ferocious childhood?

Is it possible that when she growls over murder movie music that coming up next, after the commercials, if you continue to watch her show she will tell you in graphically gory detail about every parents nightmare, a game that could kill your child and they could be playing and you would never know so you “NEED TO BE AFRAID” enough to come back after this short commercial break that she’s really being nice?

Parents “NEED TO BE AFRAID”. Not even “will be” is enough! You “NEED TO” feel fear if you are what…? A good person? A decent mom? As smart as Oprah?

knows that “PARENTS NEED TO BE AFRAID” but do you think she would she let a white person preach on what black people “NEED TO BE”? Or a man assert what women”NEED TO BE”? I don’t even think Oprah would allow a skinny woman suggest she knows what a fat one “NEED TO BE”. I “NEED TO ” wear the Pashmina and I “NEED TO” feel afraid.

I do feel afraid. I feel afraid of Oprah. And I feel afraid for the seemingly chronically molested students in her African NEVERLAND Academy because they are in a school being run by a narcissistic television personality which is highly inappropriate for an educational institution other than maybe VH1’s Charm School where at least the students are willingly promiscuous and well paid adults.

I feel more afraid for them than I feel afraid that my son will have his throat slit in a public bathroom.


1 comment:


    I tend to bristle the minute someone starts with the phrase " NEED to ___". It almost invariably refers not to something I need, but rather something the speaker WANTS.

    George Bush (and now, it's sadly apparent, Barack Obama) NEED us to be fearful - how else would they talk us into giving up 1/3 of our income when half of federal taxes are spent on military bullshit?

    In this case, Oprah "needs" people to be fearful; if they leave and don't watch the commercials, she may have to cut down on the number of houses, cars, and designer pantsuits.
