Monday, May 18, 2009


The Shit Eating Revolution

During an interview I heard with the author of Parasite Rex he described a creature that in an effort to make its way into a sheeps stomach it would first infect an ant. This ant would then be driven by an irresistible urge to climb to the top of a blade of grass. That is the affect of the parasite – an urge to climb to the top of a blade of grass. The ant is a vehicle used by the parasite to get in grazing range of its desired destination – the sheep. How does the parasite know about the sheep and its grazing habits and how did it acquire the intelligence to develop the Ant Offensive strategy? How often in nature or reality is the best route sometimes a seemingly irrelevant digression?

Star Date: Black Brooklyn * Early 90’s * Winter
On a break from a session with the legendary and much missed Mike Music Doc and I hustled around the corner to the bulletproofchinese. Surrounded by a maze of brown brick project buildings that completely filled the view through the window we waited in the greasy tableandchairless cell for our “food”. It’s a curious feeling buying food and then eating food prepared by people with whom you communicate through bullet proof plexi because they can’t trust you. It’s like sucking a dick that’s sticking out through a hole in a wall and swallowing and paying and everything.

We stopped at the bodega on the way back. On the counter was a hot box filled with fried back fat. In the back of the store at the end of dark brown and dusty shelving randomly scattered with dusty boxes and cans twinkling like a lost handful of treasure, .there were rows and rows of festively colored fluids Brighter than magic markers in clear bottles with labels as wildly colorful. Tropical Fantasy .

The winning continues as the price is revealed – it’s a mere fraction of coke or pepsi. This particular episode of Too Good 2B True - FantasyTreasureSoda escalates in the 90’s with a rumor about how Tropical Fantasy soda would sterilize young black men but what it actually does is way worse.

About 8 years ago I was chatting with… someone … and was told that some of The Black Panthers were gardening and I really didn’t get the significance of that at all.

Ever eaten a syrup sandwich? Drank bulletproof “home made” iced tea? It’s a thin syrup with a Lohan-style rust stained lemon slice trapped inside like a mosquito in amber. It’s served in a large soup container with one straw and is cheaper than water.

The tobacco here is sweetened and grape flavored.

The Lynch speech passed into the veins of the culture because it was a crisply distilled illustration of the destruction caused by distractions provocatively delivered as a method by an irresistible villain, a slave owning philosopher. However fictitious the circumstances of the speech, the sameness that the Lynch master strategy bares to the marketing of foods that deteriorate the eaters ability to rationalize or feel peaceful walks like a duck and quacks like a duck. It could insult a mind into opening and should be regarded as the greatest work of poetic terrorism ever. The writer made the acceptance of each other the force that would most affectively undermine a management strategy and placed this philosophy in history as a fact so a better reality could be legitimately built on that foundation. It’s better than real.

I remember watching a talk show where 2 black sisters battled it out over the “whiteness” of one and the extra black bamboo earrings black sister was ridiculing the Crackerlicious one for not being up on “black” trends but very with “white” ones like always feeding her kids “Veggies! Veggies! Veggies!”. She waved her hands around making air quotes and turning her mouth down and was rolling her terrible eyes and gnashing her terrible teeth to emphasizes how wicketey-wack this was of her wha-wha-white wannabe embarrassment of a sister. They both had dark brown skin and pin straight hair. It’s a devastating misuse of dedication and commitment, like being a Diet Crip and displaying the valor of Soldierhood for all the wrong reasons. Like how it’s interesting that the lure of service is often money for college which puts the most dedicated and willing to earn members of certain communities neatly together side by side on the frontlines.

I have to admit that the Golden Rice food aid product has evolved and no longer can give the optionless eater an eerily AIDS-like resistance to antibiotics maybe but it could still give you cancer or make you sterile maybe.
Good thing that Tufts University in Boston has admitted to testing this genetically modified “food” on children, arguably a violation of the “the Nuremberg Code of Ethics brought in at the end of the Second World War to prevent any repetition of the experiments conducted by Nazi scientists including many on children.” Maybe. And too bad there’s “plenty of alternative, infinitely cheaper sources of vitamin A or pro-Vitamin A, such as green vegetables and unpolished coloured rice (especially black and purple varieties [11], which would be rich in other essential vitamins and minerals, and hence much more nutritious.”


Oh… wait….Wha…?

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