Friday, April 3, 2009

HiManifesto Love,Vista 212

So... I wrote the book Solo Manifesto like 10 years ago and...

it made it around the world a bit and...uh...

then there were a couple of PowerPoint presentaions that were featured in a couple of documentaries like The Art of Love and Struggle which I refuse to watch and some shit put out by Sony France that edited my message to asswage thier interests so I won't even mention the fucking name *and it lead to my being robbed by the drug tweaked child of a civil rights icon which still burns my ass to this day* and...
then there was a show (it was called AMERICA LIVE! but that was too complicated for the fucking dirty hippies and trustfundcrustys that ran the place so they called it "america lives" which is stupid so i hate them) that opened 9-11-02 or 03 on 42cnd n Broadway in the window of a building that no longer exsists in Times Square with the BOOMBOOM chick and the bloody words that got shut down by the piggywiggys who would NOT come help my ass the night I got slimed with a BigGulp of Mount.Dew by a big group of teenage boys while installing the peice alone at like 3AM and a fat little cop told me - while tapping a Kool out of a softpack - that he was gonna go get lots of cops "like 10 12" cops and when Lil'RalphieKramden didn't come back with any cops I went directly to the copnest in the center of Times Square where they all laughed at my dripping stickyness and refused to even let me in to make a report - like blocked the fucking door AND I'M LITE SKINDEDEDedED and wouldn't let me in - but they were there in force to steal the speakers and shut down my show but !!HA !!it was clsoing night and they just saved me the time and trouble of dragging them inside where we were happy to just start smoking blunts n stuff right away... And...
a few nights "on the mic" downtown which were fun cause you get to drink for free and talk shit through a loud PA system and then people line up to get a chance to fuck you and... uh...
I guess...
now there is this "bloging" textualmasterbation thing so if I can hold my own attention there will finnally be more unedited misspelled headfiller cause we need more so here this is.

So... Hi.

Love- Vista

Comming SOON -
Oprah Is FUcked
Why does this tv personality who has never acctually lived in a decent family or raised a child or studied education feel so entitle to RUN SCHOOLS and make MOMS CRY
What IS REAL about our relationsip with ISRAEL.
Why are we so obligated to Israel? No really, Why? Why is even Bill "No-Free-Sex-Ever" Maher too pussy to risk offending Israel. No, really! I really wanna talk about this...

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